Posts by category
- Category: News
- Invitation to Orthopaedic Residents!
- Announcing New COF Research Award Recipients
- Annual Report
- Announcing COF ZB Kinematic vs Mechanical Research Grant
- GIVE in support of pain-free mobility, a message from an Ortho Surgeon & COF Director
- Osteoarthritis patients: Virtual Support is available
- Announcing Research Award Recipients
- Bad to the Bone Raises $207 thousand for Orthopaedics
- Calling all Orthopaedic Researchers!
- Announcing New COF Research Award Recipients
- COF Announces 2 Awards
- Announcing Research Award Recipients
- To our volunteers: THANK YOU
- Calling all Orthopaedic Researchers!
- Canadian Orthopaedic Care Day – March 27, 2024
- Orthopaedic Residents Scholarship Opportunities
- Keep winter fall-free
- This was one for the record books. Thank you!
- Calling all Orthopaedic Researchers!
- Announcing J. Edouard Samson Award Recipient
- COF Announces 3 Awards
- Place your bids in the Bad to the Bone Online Auction!
- Announcing CSES Research Grant Recipient
- Announcing Community Innovation Award Recipient
- To our volunteers: THANK YOU
- Fast Track Care
- COF Annual Report
- Orthopaedic Residents Scholarship Opportunity
- J. Édouard Samson Award Deadline Extended!
- Announcing Inaugural CPOG Research Grant Recipients
- COF Announces 2 Awards
- Calling all Orthopaedic Researchers!
- Bad to the Bone is Back! August 15, 2022
- Help in Ukraine
- Announcing Research Award Recipients
- Canadian Orthopaedic Care Day – March 30 2022
- Orthopaedic Residents Scholarship Opportunity
- OrthoLink…A newsletter dedicated to bone and joint health
- Announcing Research Award Recipients
- Announcing New COF Research Award Recipients
- Calling all Orthopaedic Researchers!
- COF Announces 2 Awards
- A Message from the Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation Board of Directors
- COF Annual Report
- Orthopaedic Residents Scholarship Opportunity
- Calling all Orthopaedic Researchers!
- Announcing New COF Research Award Recipients
- COF welcomes three new Directors
- Ransomware Data Breach – a note to COF constituents
- Bad to the Bone: VIRTUAL AUCTION
- Position Statement Resuming Restorative Surgery: Prioritizing Orthopaedic Surgery Nationwide
- COF Announces 2 Awards
- COF update on COVID-19
- Orthopaedic Surgeons: Virtual support for patients available
- Announcing 2019 Research Award Recipients
- GLA:D™ Canada shares success of best practice therapy treatment for patients with symptomatic knee or hip osteoarthritis
- Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation Announces New Board of Directors
- Announcing the Recipient of the 2019 Community Innovation Award
- Calling all Orthopaedic Researchers!
- Orthopaedic Residents Scholarship Opportunity
- COF’s Patron
- Calling all Orthopaedic Researchers!
- 1 km Fun Walk – Saskatoon, SK October 5, 2019
- Calling all community researchers!
- Bad to the Bone Golf
- Bones and Phones Scholarship recipient 2019: Kayla Cyr
- Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation Announces Additional Research Program Expansion
- Orthopaedic Residents Scholarship Opportunity
- Calling all Orthopaedic Researchers!
- Announcing the Recipients of the 2018 Community Innovation Awards
- New COF President, Board
- Bones and Phones Scholarship recipient 2018: Supriya Singh
- Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation Announces Additional Research Program Expansion
- Community Innovation Awards
- Bad to the Bone Golf Classic grosses more than $108,000
- COF announces recipient of inaugural Cy Frank Award
- Meet our Patron: Dr. Marvin Tile
- Orthopaedic Residents Scholarship Opportunity
- Celebrate pain free movement with Hip Hip Hooray!
- Announcing the Recipients of the Inaugural 2017 Community Innovation Awards
- Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation Announces Research Program Expansion
- Calling all Orthopaedic Researchers! Awards Available
- Bad to the Bone Golf Classic grosses $112,000
- National Blueprint for Injury Prevention in Drivers with Arthritis
- Bones and Phones Scholarship recipient 2017: Ahmed Aoude
- Hip Hip Hooray!
- J. Édouard Samson Award: Promoting Valuable Orthopaedic Research
- Internationally acclaimed program for osteoarthritis launched in Canada
- COF Bones and Phones Scholarship Recipient: Jessica Page
- Active living builds and keeps bone and joint health
- Prepare for Golf Season
- Getting Your House in Shape Shouldn’t Put You Out
- Annual Report – Celebrating 50 Years
- Announcing 2015 Research Award Recipients
- Three local orthopaedic programs benefit from Hip Hip Hooray!
- Game On: Preventing Soccer Injury
- Bassin Bad to the Bone Golf Classic brings in $86,000 in support of the COF
- COF Bones and Phones Scholarship Recipients: Michael MacKechnie and Thierry Pauyo
- Innovation Awards for Three Orthopaedic Research Projects
- Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation Names New Executive Director
- Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation Mourns the Loss and Recognizes the Contributions of Dr. Cy Frank, Director of the Board
- Active Choices to Restore and Maintain Bone and Joint Health
- Before Surgery: Prepare for Take-Off
- Snowy spills – It’s not just outdoor activities in winter that increase risk of fractures … walk watchfully
- COF Bones and Phones Scholarship Recipient: Marie-Eve Pelletier
- Active Living Tip Sheets Available through ALCOA
- Celebrating the Life of Dr. Igor Bitenc
- Meet Mike Evans, Toronto family doctor and YouTube sensation
- Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation Announces New Directors of the Board
- There’s No Need To Live In Chronic Pain When It Comes To Joints
- Knee Replacement May Be a Lifesaver for Some
- Category: Stories