Grant and Award Recipients

The Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation is proud to have awarded the following grants and awards:


J. Édouard Samson Award:

Dr. George Grammatopoulos (Ottawa, ON)“The Hip- Spine Interaction in Hip Arthroplasty: Defining its Importance and Identifying How Best to Incorporate it into Surgical Practice”

Carroll A. Laurin Award:

Dr. Giuseppe Valente (Hamilton, ON) – A multimodal topical analgesic for pain management and reducing opioids after total knee replacement: a randomized controlled trial

Robert B. Salter Award:

Dr. Michael E. Neufeld (Vancouver, BC) – “ ‘Nickel Free’ Hypoallergenic versus Standard Cobalt-Chrome Containing Total Knee Replacement: Is There a Difference in Synovial Metal Ions at Minimum 1-Year Follow-up?

Cy Frank Award:

Dr. Babak Shadgan and Dr. Pierre Guy (Vancouver, BC) – Noninvasive Optical Diagnosis of Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome

Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Awards:

Dr. Alicia Kerrigan and Dr. Allison Clouthier (Ottawa, ON) – Computational assessment of dynamic patellofemoral cartilage loading in adolescent patients with and without patellofemoral instability

Dr. Peter MacDonald (Winnipeg, MB) – “Postoperative pain and medication use after an all-inside versus complete tibial tunnel ACL reconstruction: an expertise-based prospective clinical study.”

Dr. Marie-Lyne Nault (Montreal, QC) – “BIOMENIX; Innovative meniscus repair using injectable biomaterials”

Dr. Kezhou Wu and Dr. Graeme Harding (Edmonton, AB) – “Shoulder Arthroscopy Simulation with Eye Tracking for Accelerating Learning of Rotator Cuff Repair among Orthopedic Residents: A Controlled Laboratory Study”

Community Innovation Award:

Dr. Ryan Katchky (Scarborough, ON) – “The Impact of a Community-Based Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgical Program on Access to Paediatric Orthopaedic Care – a Quality Improvement Initiative”

CSES Research Grant:

Dr. Devon Ferguson and Dr. Ivan Wong (Halifax, NS) – “Latarjet vs Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction for Treatment of Anterior Shoulder Instability with Glenoid Bone Loss: a Prospective Multi-Centre Randomized Trial”


J. Édouard Samson Award:

Dr. Diane Nam (Toronto, ON) – “The molecular and cellular mediation of fracture healing: from the bench to the bedside”

Carroll A. Laurin Award:

Drs. Geoffrey Ng and Ryan Degen (London, ON) – Muscle Functional Characteristics After Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome Surgery

Robert B. Salter Award:

Dr. Hesham Abdelbary (Ottawa, ON) – Investigating the feasibility of utilizing bacteriophages as a novel diagnostic platform for the rapid detection of slow growing organisms causing peri-prosthetic joint infections

Cy Frank Award:

Dr. Mina Wahba Morcos (Montreal, QC) – Randomized, Controlled trial Comparing the effectiveness of two different perioperative analgesia techniques: Continuous Adductor Canal Block to Single- shot Adductor Canal block in Outpatient Total Knee Arthroplasty Surgery

Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Awards:

Drs. Andrea Chan and Ryan Paul (Toronto, ON) – The Effect of Topical TRanexamic Acid vs. Placebo on Acute Postoperative Pain following Distal Radius Fracture Fixation: A Randomized Controlled Trial – The TRADR Study

Dr. Andrew Glennie (Halifax, NS) – A pilot study comparing two different surgical approaches (midline versus paramedian) to the lumbar spine for treatment of degenerative spinal conditions

Drs. Vickas Khanna and Mauricio Forero (Hamilton, ON) – A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing the Efficacy of a Three-Point Versus a Six-Point Genicular Nerve Radiofrequency Ablation for Chronic Knee Osteoarthritis

Dr. Ian Lo (Calgary, AB) – Clinical and cost effectiveness of rotator cuff augmentation with human dermal allograft versus bovine collagen xenograft patch: a randomized controlled trial

Drs. David J. Stockton and Wei Ting (Alice) Wang (Vancouver, BC) – Prednisone for the prevention of complex regional pain syndrome after distal radius fracture – A pilot study

Dr. Jarret Woodmass (Winnipeg, MB) – Comparing the Efficacy of a Subacromial Balloon Spacer (SBS) versus Rotator Cuff Repair (RCR) Surgery in Older Adults: a multi-centre pilot randomized control trial

Community Innovation Award:

Dr. Oliva Cheng (Collingwood, ON) – Primary fracture risk screening in total joint replacement patients”

CSES Research Grant:

Dr. Peter Lapner (Ottawa, ON) – Lower Trapezius Tendon Transfer vs. Partial Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair for Massive Rotator Cuff Tears: A Pilot Randomized Control Trial”

Zimmer Biomet Kinematic vs Mechanicical Knee Alignment Research Grant:

Created in collaboration with the Canadian Arthroplasty Society and Zimmer Biomet

Dr. Anthony Adili and Dr. Kim Madden (McMaster University, Hamilton, ON) – “Kinematic versus Mechanical Alignment Randomized Trial (KMART): A Multicentre Technology-Focused Trial”

Bones and Phones Scholarship:

Dr. Laura Morrison (University of Calgary) – “RUMORS: Recruitment and Retainment of Underrepresented Minorities in Orthopaedic Surgery

Robin Richards Award for Upper Extremity Research:

Dr. Moin Khan (Hamilton, ON)“Cryocompression Results in a Significant Decrease in Opioid Consumption following Shoulder Surgery – A Multi Center Randomized Controlled Trial”

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Nemanja Jovanovic, Serbia


J. Édouard Samson Award:

Dr. Ivan Wong (Halifax, NS) for his research proposal entitled: The Evolution of Arthroscopic Anatomic Glenoid Reconstruction: Development and Clinical Outcomes

Carroll A. Laurin Award:

Dr. Martin Bouliane (Edmonton, AB) – Total versus Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Pilot Randomized Control Trial

Robert B. Salter Award:

Dr. George Grammatopoulos and Dr. Daniel Coutu (Ottawa, ON)Cellular and molecular characterization of the normal and arthritic hip’s intra-articular adipose tissue

Cy Frank Award:

Dr. Mina Wahba Morcos (Montreal, QC) – Randomized, Blinded, Controlled trial Comparing the effectiveness of Sedation-Epidural anesthesia to Spinal anesthesia in Outpatient Hip or Knee Arthroplasty

Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Awards:

Dr. Maryse Bouchard (Toronto, ON) – Accelerating the Learning Curve in Pediatric Musculoskeletal Radiograph Interpretation for Orthopedic Surgery Post-Graduate Trainees

Dr. Anthony Cooper (Vancouver, BC) – International Field Test and Translation and Cultural Adaptation of LIMB-Q Kids: A new patient reported outcome measure for children with lower limb deformities

Dr. Simon Garceau (Ottawa, ON) – A Randomized Controlled Trial Assessing the Efficacy of Surgeon-performed, Intraoperative Adductor Canal Blocks in Same-Day Discharge Total Knee Arthroplasty

Dr. Prism Schneider (Calgary, AB) – Timely Hip Fracture Care Pathway Implementation: A Feasibility Study

Dr. Daniel Tushinski and Dr. Kim Madden (Hamilton, ON) – “Opioid Reduction in Orthopaedic Surgery (OREOS): A Multicentre Feasibility Randomized Controlled Trial in Knee Replacement Patients”

Dr. Neil White (Calgary, AB) – FROST 2.0: Factors Predicting Orthopaedic Trauma VolumesPublication in Injury: FROST 2.0: Factors Predicting Orthopaedic Trauma Volumes – A Validation Study – ScienceDirect

Community Innovation Award:

Dr. Julian B. Sernik (Vernon, BC) – Simultaneous Physiotherapy and Orthopedic Surgeon Interdisciplinary Care (SPOSIC) is superior to traditional siloed care for knee arthroplasty patients

CSES Research Grant:

Dr. Kenneth Faber and Dr. Kristen Barton (London, ON) – “Perioperative Pain Management for Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Pilot Non-Inferiority Trial”

Inaugural CPOG Research Grant:

Dr. Mark Camp (Toronto, ON) – Decreasing unnecessary orthopaedic, orthopaedic technology, and radiology visits for paediatric femoral shaft fractures managed with spica casts

Dr. Sasha Carsen and Prof. Daniel Benoit (Ottawa, ON) – “Current practice in post-operative ACL rehabilitation and assessment in Canada: a survey of physiotherapists and physicians

Bones and Phones Scholarship:

Dr. Teresa Li (University of Alberta) – “The Unbreakable Challenge

Robin Richards Award for Upper Extremity Research:

Dr. Jason Old (Winnipeg, MB) – Use of Intravenous Tranexamic Acid Does not Improve Arthroscopic Visualization in Shoulder Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Community Investment Grants:

Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (Ottawa, ON): Support for a research project: “Development of a new patient reported outcome measure for children with lower limb deformities – Field Testing of LIMB-Q Kids”

Hôpital Sainte-Justine (Montréal, QC): Support for a project on the management of septic arthritis: “Quality and Safety Project – development of an institutional algorithm for an effective management of septic arthritis”

Queen’s University (Kingston, ON): Support for a research project: “Outcomes in clubfoot care”

Saskatoon City Hospital (Saskatoon, SK): Support for the Division of Orthopaedics’ continued participation in multiple ongoing research studies

SickKids (Toronto, ON): Support for a research project: “Eliminating routine post-operative radiographs for surgically-managed paediatric supracondylar humerus fractures”

Stollery Children’s Hospital (Edmonton, AB): Support for a research project: “The effect of targeting the plantaris muscle-tendon unit in correction of ankle equinus in children”

Supported a research project exploring gender diversity and inclusion for Canadian orthopaedics: Dr. Laurie Hiemstra and Dr. Erin Boynton: Barrier Identification-Gender Equity in Canadian Orthopaedic Surgery” (BIG ECOS)”


J. Édouard Samson Award:

Dr. Alan Getgood (London, ON) for his research proposal entitled: Anterolateral augmentation of ACL Reconstruction

Carroll A. Laurin Award:

Dr. Kevin Smit (Ottawa, ON) – Is Spinal Motion Preserved Following Vertebral Body Tethering for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis? A Prospective Study

Robert B. Salter Award:

Dr. Unni Narayanan (Toronto, ON)Validation of the Patient Reported Outcomes of Fracture Healing (PROOF) Questionnaires for Evaluation of Pediatric Upper and Lower Extremity Fracture Outcomes

Cy Frank Award:

Devin Lemmex (Winnipeg, MB) – The impact of varying weightbearing restrictions on postoperative outcomes following arthroscopic surgery for femoroacetabular impingement: a randomized pilot

Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Awards:

Drs. W. Brent Edwards and Prism Schneider (Calgary, AB) – Effects of high-dose bisphosphonate treatment on fatigue properties and fracture patterns in ovariohysterectomized rabbits

Drs. Brent Lanting and Matthew Teeter (London, ON) – Hybrid PET/MRI imaging of joint stiffness in total knee arthroplasty

Drs. Evangelos Tyrpenou and John Antoniou (Montreal, QC) – Influence of Lumbar Spine Fusion on Total Hip Replacement Patients

Community Innovation Award:

Dr. James Higgins (Toronto, ON) – A Dedicated Anesthesia Block Room Produces a Positive Return on Investment While Reducing Surgical Backlog When Implemented Using a Combination of Machine Learning, Discrete Event Simulation and Optimization Modelling

CSES Research Grant:

Dr. Jarret Woodmass (Winnipeg, MB) – Randomized controlled trial comparing reverse total shoulder arthroplasty with and without subscapularis repair

Inaugural 2021 COA Basic Science Scholarship:

Dr. Nolan Horner (McMaster University) for his case study “An Unusual Intra-articular lesion of the Hip in a 41-Year-Old female”

Dr. Justin Murphy (Memorial University of Newfoundland) for his case study All that glitters is not gold: An atypical cartilaginous proliferative lesion is not always chondrosarcoma

Robin Richards Award for Upper Extremity Research:

Dr. Madeleine Van de Kleut (London, ON) for her paper titled: Evaluation of Humeral Stem and Glenosphere Fixation in Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty: A Prospective, Randomized Clinical Trial With Two-Year Follow-Up.

Community Investment Grants:

Banff Sport Medicine Foundation (Banff, AB): Support for a research study: “Patient-reported, Functional & Clinical Outcomes following Trochleoplasty for Recurrent Lateral Patellofemoral Instability”

Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (Ottawa, ON): Support for a research project: “Outcomes following the treatment of displaced pediatric olecranon fractures: pins in or pins out?”

Children’s Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre (London, ON): Support for a research project: “Improving the Quality of Interpretation of Pelvic Radiographs for Hip Surveillance in Cerebral Palsy”

Hôpital Sainte-Justine (Montréal, QC): Support for a project on the management of septic arthritis: “Quality and Safety Project – development of an institutional algorithm for an effective management of septic arthritis”

IWK Health Centre (Halifax, NS): Support for a research project: IWK Paediatric Orthopaedic Research – CP Hip Outcomes Project (CHOP) Study”

Queen’s University (Kingston, ON): Support for a research project: “Outcomes in clubfoot care”

Saskatoon City Hospital (Saskatoon, SK): Support for the Division of Orthopaedics’ continued participation in multiple ongoing research studies

SickKids (Toronto, ON): Support for a research project: “Eliminating routine post-operative radiographs for surgically-managed paediatric supracondylar humerus fractures”

Stollery Children’s Hospital (Edmonton, AB): Support for two areas: (1) Harnessing technology to improve education and patient experience in paediatric orthopaedic surgery; and (2) Paediatric Orthopaedic research at the University of Alberta.


J. Édouard Samson Award:

Dr. Olufemi Ayeni (Hamilton, ON) for his research proposal entitled: “A Comprehensive Approach to Evaluating and Managing FAI: An Evidence Based Program

Carroll A. Laurin Award:

Drs. Kristen Barton and Brent Lanting (London, ON) – The role of knee joint synovitis in dissatisfied total knee arthroplasty patients”

Robert B. Salter Award:

Drs. Charles G. Fisher and Raphaële Charest-Morin (Vancouver, BC) – Denosumab for Giant Cell Tumors of the Spine; Molecular Predictors of Clinical Response”

Cy Frank Award:

Dr. Glen Richardson (Halifax, NS) – The Effect of Sagittal Plane Resection during Total Knee Arthroplasty on RSA Migration of Tibial Baseplates

Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Awards:

Dr. Herman Johal (Hamilton, ON) – Changes in Reliability when Assessing Multiple Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (CRAM-PROMs)”

Dr. Vickas Khanna (Hamilton, ON) – “Predicting Persistent Pain and Dissatisfaction after Knee Arthroplasty: A Prospective Multicentre Cohort Study”

Dr. Paul R. Kuzyk (Toronto, ON) – “Targeted Delivery of Fetuin Using Titania Nanotubes for Prevention and Treatment of Heterotopic Ossification”

Dr. Brad Meulenkamp (Ottawa, ON) – “Development and Field-Testing a Patient Decision-Aid for Management of Acute Achilles Tendon Rupture”

Drs. K.C. Geoffrey Ng and Paul E. Beaulé (Ottawa, ON) – “The Effects of Anteverting Periacetabular Osteotomy on Acetabular Retroversion and Hip Capsular Mechanics”

Drs. Jesse Wolfstadt and Amir Khoshbin (Toronto, ON) – “DIFFIR: Geriatric DIstal Femur: FIxation versus Replacement – A Randomized Controlled Trial of Acute Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF) versus Distal Femur Replacement (DFR)”

Community Innovation Award:

Dr. Marie Gdalevitch (Montreal, QC) – Randomized comparison between narcotic free multimodal anesthesia and standard of care anesthesia for hallux valgus patients undergoing a percutaneous distal metatarsal osteotomy: a multi-center trial” The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery: Narcotic Sparing Multimodal Anesthesia Versus Standard of Care Anesthesia for Hallux Valgus Patients Undergoing a Percutaneous Distal Metatarsal Osteotomy: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Inaugural 2020 CSES Research Grant:

In collaboration with the Canadian Shoulder and Elbow Society, this award was established to support and encourage orthopaedic surgeons to conduct collaborative shoulder or elbow research.

Dr. Danny P. Goel (Vancouver, BC) – Immersive Virtual Reality Effectiveness in Orthopaedic Education: A Randomized Controlled Trial”

Bones and Phones Scholarship:

Dr. David Stockton (University of British Columbia) for his role in the project “A Low Cost Orthopaedic Traction Device for Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Robin Richards Award for Upper Extremity Research:

Dr. Ivan Wong (Halifax, NS) – “Bridging Allograft Reconstruction is Superior to Maximal Repair for the Treatment of Chronic, Massive Rotator Cuff Tears – Results of a Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Trial”

Community Investment Grants:

Banff Sport Medicine Foundation (Banff, AB): Support for a research study examining ACL reconstruction outcomes: “Clinical, Functional and Patient-reported Outcomes of ACL reconstruction in Paediatric Patients”.

Saskatoon City Hospital (Saskatoon, SK): Support for the Division of Orthopaedics’ continued participation in multiple ongoing research studies.


J. Édouard Samson Award:

Dr. Michelle Ghert (Hamilton, ON) for her research proposal entitled: The Prophylactic Antibiotic Regimens in Tumour Surgery (PARITY) Trial: Unprecedented international collaboration in orthopaedic oncology” Journal of the American Medical Association Oncology: Comparison of Prophylactic Intravenous Antibiotic Regimens After Endoprosthetic Reconstruction for Lower Extremity Bone Tumors A Randomized Clinical Trial

Carroll A. Laurin Award:

Dr. Geoffrey P. Wilkin (Ottawa, ON) – “Periacetabular Osteotomy with and without Arthroscopic Management of Central Compartment Pathology”

Robert B. Salter Award:

Dr. Sasha Carsen, Dr. T. Mark Campbell and Dr. F. J. Dilworth (Ottawa, ON) – Determining the optimal bone-derived stem cell source for cartilage regeneration in the treatment of osteoarthritis

Cy Frank Award:

Dr. Darren L. de SA (Hamilton, ON) – Soft-tissue QUadriceps autograft ACL-reconstruction in the Skeletally-immature vs. Hamstrings (SQUASH): A Multi-Centre Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial

Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Awards:

Dr. Hesham Abdelbary (Ottawa, ON) – Developing a new therapeutic approach to Improve Treatment of Periprosthetic Joint Infections Using a Novel, and Clinically Representative Hip Replacement Rat Model Bone & Joint Journal-2020-2435.R1: A novel cemented hip hemiarthroplasty infection model with real-time in vivo imaging in rats

Dr. Anthony Adili (Hamilton, ON)– Topicals for Osteoarthritis Pain in Knee Surgery (TOPIKS): A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial”

Dr. Bashar Alolabi (Hamilton, ON) – Randomized control trial of ultrasound-guided erector spinae block (ESP) versus shoulder periarticular anesthetic infiltration (PAI) for pain control after arthroscopic shoulder surgery April 2020 Publication: National Library of Medicine, PubMed

Dr. Eric Bohm (Winnipeg, MB) – Randomized controlled trial of staged versus simultaneous bilateral knee arthroplasty

Dr. Michael J. Monument (Calgary, AB) – Sting Activation as an Immunotherapy for Soft Tissue Sarcoma

Dr. Diane Nam (Toronto, ON) – The microbiome: can it influence fracture healing?

Dr. Neil White (Calgary, AB) – The C3PO TrialCanadian Prospective Pragmatic Perilunate Outcomes Trial”

Community Innovation Award:

Dr. Ahaoiza (Diana) Isa (Moncton, NB) – Correlation Between the Capitate-to-Axis-of-Radius Distance (CARD) Radiographic Index and Patient-Reported Outcomes One Year Post Distal Radius Fracture

Bones and Phones Scholarship:

Dr. Kayla Cyr (Memorial university of Newfoundland) for her role as a Champion of EDUCATE: IPV.

CSES Best Paper Award:

Dr. Armin Badre (Edmonton, AB) – The Effect of Torsional Moments on the Posterolateral Rotatory Instability of the Lateral Ligament Deficient Elbow: A Novel Biomechanical Modeling and In Vitro Investigation

Inaugural Robin Richards Award for Upper Extremity Research:

Dr. Dominique Rouleau (Montreal, QC) – Deltopectoral vs deltoid split approach for proximal HUmerus fracture fixation with locking plate: A prospective RAndomized study (HURA Study)

Community Investment Grants:

Banff Sport Medicine Foundation (Banff, AB): Support for a research study examining ACL reconstruction outcomes: “Clinical, Functional and Quality of Life Outcomes 2-Years after ACL Reconstruction in Patients with a Partial ACL Tear”.

Saskatoon City Hospital (Saskatoon, SK): Support for the Division of Orthopaedics’ continued participation in multiple ongoing research studies.

St. Michael’s Hospital (Toronto, ON): Support for orthopaedic clinical research in joint replacement surgery.

Stollery Children’s Hospital (Edmonton, AB): Support for Pediatric Orthopaedic Research at the University of Alberta: Research projects in pediatric gait, foot deformities and/or hip pathology and limb malalignment.

South Campus Research Unit for Bone & Soft Tissue (Calgary, AB): Support for a research study to examine the potential relationship between weather and orthopaedic trauma volumes: “FROST: Factors Predicting Orthopaedic Trauma Volumes”.

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Robi Kelc, Slovenia


J. Édouard Samson Award:

Dr. Kishore Mulpuri (Vancouver, BC) for his research proposal entitled: A Prospective, International Hip Dysplasia Registry with Follow-up to Skeletal Maturity: An Analysis of Risk Factors, Screening Practices and Treatment Outcomes”

Carroll A. Laurin Award:

Dr. Paul E. Beaulé and Dr. Stéphane Poitras (Ottawa, ON) – “Efficacy of a non-surgical treatment protocol for patients with symptomatic femoro-acetabular impingement: a randomized controlled trial”

Robert B. Salter Award:

Dr. Michael J. Monument (Calgary, AB) – “rhBMP-2 in bone sarcoma surgery: Does BMP-2 signalling in mouse models of osteosarcoma influence tumour biology?”

Inaugural Cy Frank Award:  

Recognizing excellence in innovation. This new award is presented in conjunction with the Canadian Orthopaedic Research Society (CORS)

Dr. Bas A. Masri, Dr. David R. Wilson and Dr. David J. Stockton (Vancouver, BC) – “Reliability of Cartilage Mapping Using Upright Open MRI in Patients with ACL Injuries” BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders (2020) 21:795 Reliability of tibiofemoral contact area and centroid location in upright, open MRI Bone & Joint Journal 2021;103-B(9):1505–1513: Tibiofemoral contact and alignment in patients with anterior cruciate ligament rupture treated nonoperatively versus reconstruction

Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Awards:

Dr. Ryan Degen (London, ON) – “A kinematic analysis of the hip following injury and repair of the capsule and labrum”

Dr. Laurie A. Hiemstra (Banff, AB) – “SHould You transFer the Tubercle? (The SHYFT Trial) – A Randomized Clinical Trial comparing Isolated MPFL Reconstruction to MPFL combined with Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy – A Pilot Study”

Dr. Moin Khan (Hamilton, ON) – Shoulder instability Trial comparing Arthroscopic stabilization Benefits compared with Latarjet procedure Evaluation (STABLE)

Dr. Ian Lo (Calgary, AB) – “Graft reconstruction for irreparable rotator cuff tears: superior capsule reconstruction vs. tendon repair with graft interposition”

Dr. Peter MacDonald and Dr. Jeff Leiter (Winnipeg, MB) – “Number One Overall Graft Pick? Hamstrings versus Bone-Patellar-Tendon-Bone versus Quadriceps Tendon Graft for ACL Reconstruction: A Prospective Cohort Study”

Dr. Prism S. Schneider (Calgary, AB) – “Validation of a Self-Administered Outcome Measure for Young Patients With Hip Trauma”

Community Innovation Award:

Dr. James McInnes (Victoria, BC) – “Smoking Cessation prior to Elective Surgery: Quality Improvement in a Centralized Intake Clinic Model – Assessment to Implementation”

Dr. Scott Wiens (Grande Prairie, AB) – “Using patient reported outcomes and mobility monitoring to optimize hospital care for patients undergoing knee arthroplasty”

Bones and Phones Scholarship:

Dr. Supriya Singh (Western University) for her role in the “NYOTA Project”.

CSES Best Paper Award:

Pan Am Clinic Orthopaedic Research Group (Winnipeg, MB) for their paper Arthroscopic Bankart Repair with and without Arthroscopic Infraspinatus Remplissage in Anterior Shoulder Instability with Hill-Sachs Defect: Randomized Controlled Trial

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Tomislav Palibrk, Serbia

Community Investment Grants:

Banff Sport Medicine Foundation (Banff, AB): Support for a research study examining ACL reconstruction: “The influence of Meniscal Pathology on Clinical, Functional and Patient-reported Outcomes following ACL Reconstruction”.

Saskatoon City Hospital (Saskatoon, SK): Support for the Division of Orthopaedics’ continued participation in multiple ongoing research studies.

St. Michael’s Hospital (Toronto, ON): Support for orthopaedic clinical research in joint replacement surgery.

Sunnybrook / Holland Orthopaedic & Arthritic Centre (Toronto, ON):  Support to print “Get Moving: Maximizing Your Activity After a Hip or Knee Replacement” education booklets for use by patients at Sunnybrook/Holland.


J. Édouard Samson Award:

Dr. George S. Athwal (London, ON) for his research proposal entitled: “The Biomechanical Assessment of Complex Shoulder Instability”

Carroll A. Laurin Award: 

Dr. Sasha Carsen (Ottawa, ON) – Determining the role of physical activity in the development of hip impingement morphology in adolescents during the final stages of skeletal maturation”

Robert B. Salter Award: 

Dr. Aaron Nauth (Toronto, ON)“The Use of Autologous Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) for the Healing of a Bone Defect in a Large Animal Model: A Comparison with Iliac Crest Bone Graft”

Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Awards:

Dr. Ryan Bicknell (Kingston, ON) – “A Study of the Trabecular Bone Density Distribution in the Scapula Relevant to Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty”

Dr. Anthony Cooper (Vancouver, BC) – “Development of a Patient Reported Quality of Life Questionnaire for Children with Lower Limb Deformities”

Dr. Paul A. Martineau (Montreal, QC) – “Bone repair in response to mast cell immunotherapy”

Dr. Bill Ristevski (Hamilton, ON) – “DRIVSAFE – Distraction on the Road Injury eValuation in Surgery and FracturE clinics”

Dr. Marlis Sabo (Calgary, AB) – “Intersection of Catastrophizing, Mood Disorders, and Gender in Rotator Cuff Surgical Patients: A Prospective Exploratory Study”

Dr. Emil Schemitsch (London, ON) – “DECIPHER: Determinants of Clinically Important Outcomes following Proximal Humerus Fractures in the Elder Population: A National Cohort”

Inaugural Community Innovation Award:

Dr. Olivia Cheng (Collingwood, ON) – “Telemedicine is effective in the reduction of patient care costs for hip fracture patients” AAOS Global Research & Reviews 2020 Apr; 4(4): e19.001128 Utilization of Telemedicine in Addressing Musculoskeletal Care Gap in Long-Term Care Patients

Dr. Kevin Koo (Markham, ON) – “Impact of an orthogeriatric collaborative care model for older adults with hip fracture in a community hospital setting” Canadian Journal of Surgery Publication: Can J Surg 2021;64(2):E211-E217

Bones and Phones Scholarship:

Dr. Ahmed Aoude (McGill University) for his role in The International Orthopaedic Surgery Committee, McGill University.

Inaugural CSES Best Paper Award:

Dr. Peter MacDonald (Winnipeg, MB) for his paper Biceps Tenodesis Versus Tenotomy in Treatment of Lesions of Long Head of Biceps Brachii in Patients Undergoing Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery.

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Ivan Bohacek, Croatia

Community Investment Grants:

Saskatoon City Hospital (Saskatoon, SK): Support for the Division of Orthopaedics’ participation in multiple ongoing orthopaedic research studies.

Sunnybrook / Holland Orthopaedic & Arthritic Centre (Toronto, ON): Support to transition the Holland Centre’s Rehabilitation Hip and Knee Replacement Guides into web-accessible versions that meet Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) guidelines.

St. Michael’s Hospital (Toronto, ON): Support for orthopaedic clinical research in joint replacement surgery: To support the important clinical research being done at St. Michael’s Hospital.


Bones and Phones Scholarship:

Dr. Jessica Page (University of Calgary) for her role in the Direct from the Operating Room: Interactive realtime broadcasts of total knee arthroplasty to high school students.

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. David Martincic, Slovenia

Community Investment Grants

Saskatoon City Hospital (Saskatoon, SK): Support for the Division of Orthopaedics’ ongoing participation in Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma (COTS) Society Research Project: Multicenter Trial for Cortical Locking Screws and other COTS Studies.

Sunnybrook / Holland Orthopaedic & Arthritic Centre (Toronto, ON): Addressing the Educational Needs of Patients in the Holland MSK Program by producing new educational materials for patients who attend the Bayview Campus Fracture Clinic, in addition to making Sunnybrook’s core Hip and Knee Replacement Guide web accessible.

St. Michael’s Hospital (Toronto, ON): Support for orthopaedic clinical research in joint replacement surgery: To support the important clinical research being done at St. Michael’s Hospital.

COTS Calgary – Foothills Medical Centre (Calgary, AB): Research study attempting to determine whether or not patients who present with a fracture are in the process of being treated for osteoporosis.

Halifax Sports Medicine – QEII Health Sciences Centre (Halifax, NS): Support for the research project: Arthroscopic Repair of Chronic Two-Tendon Rotator Cuff Tears by Human Dermal Allograft Augmentation.


J. Édouard Samson Award, supported by Bayer Healthcare:

Dr. Pascal-André Vendittoli (Montreal, QC) for his research proposal entitled: “Optimization of management and treatment of subjects with knee and hip joint degeneration”

Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Award, supported by Zimmer Biomet:

Dr. Ivan Wong (Halifax, NS) for his research proposal entitled: “The Arthroscopic Treatment of Recurrent Anterior Shoulder Instability: A Randomized Control Trial”

Bones and Phones Scholarship:

Dr. Michael MacKechnie (University of Toronto) for his role in the Development of a contextually appropriate orthopedic surgery training program in Botswana.

Dr. Thierry Pauyo (McGill University) for his role in Evaluating Google Glass in peri-operative orthopaedic consultations: Linking Haiti to Canada.

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Predrag Rasovic, Serbia

Community Investment Grants

Saskatoon City Hospital (Saskatoon, SK): Salary support for research assistant for national trauma studies:  To support the Division of Orthopaedics’ participation in national trauma studies.

Sunnybrook / Holland Orthopaedic & Arthritic Centre (Toronto, ON): A Person-Centred Approach to Meeting the Educational Needs of Patients with Hip & Knee Arthritis.

St. Michael’s Hospital (Toronto, ON): Salary support for orthopaedic clinical research in joint replacement surgery: To support the important clinical research being done at St. Michael’s Hospital.


J. Édouard Samson Award:

Dr. Paul E. Beaulé (Ottawa, ON) for his research proposal entitled: “Understanding the Etiology and Cause of Osteoarthritis of the Hip: A multi-disciplinary approach”

Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Award:

As part of the Foundation’s commitment to increase the support of orthopaedic research in Canada, we are pleased to award two CORL grants this year:

Dr. George Athwal and Dr. David O’Gorman (London, ON) for their research proposal entitled: “The Effects of Proprionibacterium Acnes Infection on the Integration of Primary Human Cells into 3D Models of Shoulder Tissue Repair”

Dr. Peter Lapner (Ottawa, ON) for his research proposal entitled: “Diagnostic Accuracy of Synovial Biopsy for Implant-Related Shoulder Infections”

Inaugural Bones & Phones Award:

Dr. Marie-Eve Pelletier (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC) for her commitment and contribution to enhancing musculoskeletal health through the Uganda Sustainable Trauma Orthopedic Program (USTOP)

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Tomislav Smoljanovic, Croatia

Community Investment Grants

Sunnybrook / Holland Orthopaedic & Arthritic Centre (Toronto, ON): Addressing the Pain Management Educational Needs of Patients following Hip/Knee Arthroplasty Surgery. This project builds on a 2013 Foundation-funded project which identified pain management as a significant challenge for their patients (with a key theme centred on fears of addiction, resulting in patients not able to properly participate fully in their recovery)

St. Michael’s Hospital (Toronto, ON): Salary support for an orthopaedic clinical research project: The four bearing surface trial in total hip arthroplasty; the efficacy of patellar resurfacing in the treatment of anterior knee pain following total knee replacement surgery; long term outcomes of the role of ceramic in total hip arthroplasty.

Saskatoon City Hospital (Saskatoon, SK): Sponsor participation in a Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society Multi Centre Trial


J. Édouard Samson Award:

Dr. Brian Kwon (Vancouver, BC) for his research proposal entitled: “Bench to Bedside and Back: Translational Research in Acute Spinal Cord Injury”

Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Award:

Dr. Douglas Naudie and Dr. Matthew Teeter (London, ON) for their research proposal entitled: “Evaluation of Conventional and Patient-specific Instrumentation Using RSA”

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Gregor Recnik, Slovenia

Community Investment Grants

Sunnybrook / Holland Orthopaedic & Arthritic Centre (Toronto, ON): A Qualitative Study of Patient and Family Education Needs: to determine if the facility’s current educational materials meet the needs of patients undergoing hip and knee replacement.

St. Michael’s Hospital (Toronto, ON): Salary support for an orthopaedic research project: The four bearing surface trial in total hip arthroplasty.

North Bay Regional Centre (North Bay, ON): The development and printing of educational materials for orthopaedic patients.

Saskatoon City Hospital (Saskatoon, SK): Educational materials for use in the ADAPT program. ADAPT is a half-day session for patients scheduled for total hip and knee replacements. The session includes presentations by therapists, dieticians, orthopaedic surgeons and anesthesiologists.


J. Édouard Samson Award, sponsored by Bayer HealthCare:

Dr. Nadr M. Jomha (Edmonton, AB) for his research proposal entitled: “Vitrification of Intact Human Articular Cartilage

Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Award:

Dr. Olufemi Ayeni and Dr. Mohit Bhandari (Hamilton, ON) for their research proposal entitled: Femoracetabular Impingement RandomiSed controlled Trial (FIRST)”

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Nemanja Slavkovic, Serbia

Community Investment Grants

Sunnybrook / Holland Orthopaedic & Arthritic Centre (Toronto, ON): Patient and Family Education Online Learning Animated Video for Hip and Knee Replacement

North East Joint Assessment Centre (North Bay, ON): Pre-Operative Education Booklets

St. Michael’s Hospital (Toronto, ON): Salary support for an orthopaedic research project: The four bearing surface trial in total hip arthroplasty.

Saskatoon City Hospital (Saskatoon, SK): Hip and Knee education models for use in the Multidisciplinary Clinic to explain diseases and procedures to patients.


J. Édouard Samson Award, sponsored by Bayer HealthCare:

Dr. Albert J.M. Yee (Toronto, ON) for his research proposal entitled:“Treating Cancer Spread to the Spine: Translating Research from the Clinic to Bench and Back”.

Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Award:

Dr. Steven J. MacDonald and Sharon E. Culliton (London, ON) for their research proposal entitled: “A Randomized Controlled Trial to Establish Patient Expectations of Total Knee Arthroplasty”.

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Marko Bergovec, Croatia


J. Édouard Samson Award, sponsored by Bayer HealthCare:

Dr. Michael J. Dunbar (Halifax, NS) for his research proposal entitled: “Precision Metrics in Orthopaedics: Developing Improved Patient Assessment Technologies and Processes to Optimize Care“.

Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Award, sponsored by Bayer HealthCare:

Drs. Jeffrey Leiter, Peter MacDonald and Judy Anderson (Winnipeg, MB) for their research proposal entitled: “Exploring the Biologics of Rotator Cuff Injury and Advancing Repair”.

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Blaz Mavcic, Slovenia


J. Édouard Samson Award, Sponsored by Bayer Healthcare:

Dr. Kevin A. Hildebrand (Calgary, AB) for his research proposal entitled:“Post-traumatic Joint Contractures: Correlation between the Human Condition and an Animal Model, and Identification of a Potential Preventative Intervention”.

Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Award, Sponsored by Angiotech Pharmaceuticals, Inc.:

Dr. Victoria Avram/Dr. Mohit Bhandari (Hamilton, ON) for their research proposal entitled: “Prevalence of Abuse with an Intimate Partner Violence Surgical Evaluation (PRAISE):  A Multi-Centre Cross-Sectional Study”   AND … Dr. Paul Duffy/Dr. Prism Schneider (Calgary, AB) for their research proposal entitled: “A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Open Reduction and Internal Fixation with Non-operative Treatment of Isolated Ulnar Diaphyseal Fractures”

*The 2009 CORL application review resulted in a first-ever tie. The Foundation awarded two grants for this year only.

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Vladimir Harhaji, Serbia


J. Édouard Samson Award, Sponsored by Bayer Healthcare:

Dr. Benjamin Alman (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “Role of Signaling Pathways in Musculoskeletal Pathologic and Reparative Processes”

Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Award, Sponsored by Angiotech Pharmaceuticals, Inc.:

Dr. Markku Nousiainen (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “Training Femoral Neck Screw Insertion Skills to Surgical Trainees: Computer Assisted Surgery Versus Conventional Fluoroscopic Technique”

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Denis Trsek, Croatia


Inaugural Canadian Orthopaedic Research Legacy (CORL) Award, Sponsored by Angiotech Pharmaceuticals, Inc.:

Dr. Mark Glazebrook (Halifax, NS) earned this first ever CORL Award for his research entiled “Outcome of Total Ankle Arthroplasty vs. Ankle Arthrodesis:  A Prospective Multicentered Randomized Controlled Trial on Clinical and Radiographic Outcome”

Alexandra Kirkley Young Investigator Award:

Dr. George Athwal (London, ON) for his research entitled “Determination of Correct Radial Head Arthroplasty Length”

Carroll A. Laurin Award:

Dr. Jeffrey Gollish (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “The Short and Long Term Effects of Perioperative Gabapentin on Rehabilitation and Pain Following Total Knee Arthroplasty:  A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial”

Robert B. Salter Award:

Dr. Michael Monument (Calgary, AB) for his research entitled “The Role of the Mast Cell in the Creation of Post-traumatic Contractures of the Rabbit Knee”

*The J. Edouard Samson Award was not awarded in 2007*

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Klemen Strazar, Slovenia


Alexandra Kirkley Young Investigator Award:

Dr. William Gage (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “Gait Symmetry and Knee Arthroplasty: Before and After Surgery, and Implications for Rehabilitation”

Carroll A. Laurin Award:

Dr. Edward J. Harvey (Montreal, QC) for his research entitled “Microtexturing of Allograft to Enhance Fracture Healing”

Robert B. Salter Award:

Dr. Erin Boynton (Toronto, ON) for her research entitled “Investigation of the Supraspinatus Muscle and Tendon Architecture in Normal and Full-thickness Tendon Tears: A Cadaveric and Ultrasonographic Study”

*The J. Edouard Samson Award was not awarded in 2006*

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Alexsandar Lesl, Serbia & Montenegro


Alexandra Kirkley Young Investigator Award:

Dr. Mohit Bhandari (Hamilton, ON) for his research entitled “Fluid Irrigation Techniques in Patients with Open Fracture Wounds (F.L.O.W.)”

Carroll A. Laurin Award:

Dr. John Antoniou (Montreal, QC) for his research entitled “Serum Metal Ion Levels in Patients with Metal-on-Metal Hip Prostheses”

Robert B. Salter Award:

Dr. Nadr Jomha (Edmonton, AB) for his research entitled “Regeneration of Articular Cartilage”

*The J. Edouard Samson Award was not awarded in 2005*

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Borut Pompe, Slovenia

Dr. Goran Bicanic, Croatia


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. John Antoniou (Montreal, QC) for his research entitled “Advances in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Degenerative Disc Disease”

Alexandra Kirkley Young Investigator Award:

Dr. Laurie Hiemstra (Banff, AB) for her research entitled “Crossover Nociception and Contralateral Limb Strength Changes after Acute Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgery”

Carroll A. Laurin Award:

Dr. Florina Moldovan (Montreal, QC) for her research entitled “Does Endothelin and Metalloproteases Interplay Contribute to Osteosarcoma Malignancy?”

Robert B. Salter Award:

Dr. Peter MacDonald (Winnipeg, MB) for his research entitled “Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair with and without arthroscopic acromioplasty in the treatment of full thickness rotator cuff tears”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Mohit Bhandari (Hamilton, ON) for his research entitled “Surgeon’s Preferences and Practice Patterns in the Operative Treatment of Femoral Neck Fractures”

Inaugural Alexandra Kirkley Young Investigator Award:

Dr. Pascal-André Vendittoli (Montreal, QC) for his research entitled “Post operative pain control with local anaesthetics after total knee arthroplasty”

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Dragan Savic, Yugoslavia


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Erin L. Boynton ((Toronto, ON) for her research entitled “The Role of the Macrophage and Polyethylene Surface Chemistry in Total Joint Replacement Failure”

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Hrvoje Klobucar, Croatia


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Richard E. Buckley (Calgary, AB) for his research entitled “A Randomized Multi-Center Clinical Trial of Non-Operative Versus Operative Treatment of Displaced Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fractures”

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Robert Kosak, Slovenia


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Graham J.W. King (London, ON) for his research entitled “Stabilizer of the Elbow”

Carroll A. Laurin Award:

Dr. Olga Huk (Montreal, QC) for her research entitled “Immunohistochemical Localization of Apoptosis-related Proteins in Interface Membranes from Aseptically Loose Total Hip Arthroplasty”

Robert B. Salter Award:

Dr. Herb von Schroeder (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “Microarray Analysis of Osteoblast Progenitor Cells”

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Robert Kolundzic, Croatia


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Emil H. Schemitsch (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “Assessment of Biological Reconstruction Methods in the Repair of the Devascularized Tibia”

Inaugural Carroll A. Laurin Award:

Dr. Erin Boynton (Toronto, ON) for her research entitled “Characterization of Activated MDM in vitro after long-term exposure to particulate PE”

Inaugural Robert B. Salter Award:

Dr. Kevin Deluzio (Halifax, NS) for his research entitled “Knee osteoarthritis and impact loading”

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Nenad Vladimir Atanasov, Macedonia


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. James G. Wright (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “Outcome Research in Orthopaedics”

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Drago Dolinar, Slovenia


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Richard Hu (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “Towards a Technically-Perfect Spinal Operation”

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Domagoj Delimar, Croatia


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. J. Rod Davey (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “Investigation of Cementless Total Hip Arthroplasty”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Annunziato Amendola (London, ON) for his research entitled “Exertional Compartment Syndrome:  Diagnosis, Pathophysiology and Treatment”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Gianni Maistrelli (Toronto, ON)  for his research entitled “Advances in Non-Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty” 


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Robert Bray (Calgary, AB) for his research entitled “The Early Effect of Joint Immobilization on Medial Collateral Ligament Healing in an ACL Deficient Knee:  A Gross Anotomic and Biomechanical Investigation in the Adult Rabbit Model”

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Davor Popovic


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. K.W. Marshall (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “Joint Receptors Modulate Short and Long Latency Muscle Responses in the Awake Cat”

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Miroslav Lazarov, Macedonia


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Robert Bell (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “Sarcoma, Biology and Management”

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Rastko Stok, Slovenia

Dr. Zoran Blagojevic, Serbia


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Robin R. Richards (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “The Influence of Muscle Flap Coverage on the Biology of the Devascularized Tibia.  Summary of Investigation Using a Canine Model”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Ken Brown (Montreal, QC) for his research entitled “Effect of Weight Bearing on Epiphyseal Vascularized Fibular Transplants”

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Goran Ercegan, Serbia


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. S. O’Driscoll (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “Periosteal Graft in Resurfacing Articular Defects.  The Influence of C.P.M.”

Dr. J. Roth (London, ON) for his research entitled “Development of a Prosthetic Cruciate Ligament”

Anica Bitenc Fellow

Dr. Ranko Bilic, Croatia


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. John Stewart (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “The Vascularized Bone and Joint Transplantation in the Rat.  The Effect of Antilymphocyte Serum and Cyclosporin A in Immunosuppression”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Wayne Pisesky (Kelowna, BC) for his research entitled “The Effect of Immobilization Ligamentous Healing and Strength of the Medial Collateral Ligament of the Rat Knee”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Charles Rivard (Montreal, QC) for his research entitled “An Experimental Model for the Investigation of the Embryogenesis of Congenital Vertebral malformation”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Ensor Transfeldt (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “Sensory Evoked Potentials on Spinal Cord Distraction”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Brian Day (Vancouver, BC) for his research entitled “Blood Supply of the Hip After Osteotomy”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. R.A. Mann (Winnipeg, MB) for his research entitled “Embryogenesis of Spina Bifida”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Pierre Beauchamp (Vancouver, BC) for his research entitled “Anterior Cruciate Ligament”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Colin Moseley (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “The Estimation of Leg Length Discrepancy”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Clive P. Duncan (Vancouver, BC) for his research entitled “Autonomic Nerve Supply of Bone”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Fred Behrens (Montreal, QC) for his research entitled “Intrasynovial Glucocorticoids in Rabbits”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. I. J. Harrington (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “Design of a Total Knee Joint Prosthesis”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. R.P. Welsh (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “Surgical Implant Materials”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Joseph Schatzker (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “Non-union of Odontoid Fractures”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Jacques Desmarchais (Montreal, QC) for his research entitled “Calcitonin”


J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. James Rathbun (Toronto, ON) for his research entitled “Microevaluation of the Rotator Cuff”


Inaugural J. Édouard Samson Award

Dr. Lorenzo Daziano (Montreal, QC) for his research entitled “Experimental Arthritis and Chemical Synovectomy”