
GIVE in support of pain-free mobility, a message from an Ortho Surgeon & COF Director

Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation

As spring approaches, our thoughts turn to warmer weather and enjoying the splendor of green returning to our world. We can’t wait for sunshine walks, outdoor sports, planting the garden and all the activities we longed for during the cold Canadian winter.

Since 1965, the Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation has worked to ensure that Canadians of all ages can enjoy the best of every season. From sports injuries to trauma to aging, every one of us and everyone we love will face orthopaedic issues during their lifetimes. That is why your support of our efforts is so important. Our fostering of research has already dramatically shortened recovery-times from months to weeks, hospital stays from weeks to days, all while returning a better quality of life to millions.

Now as we explore the possibilities of innovations such as robotics and AI to push the boundaries of care, our mission has never been more exciting. We are committed to ensuring that the finest orthopaedic care on earth is there when you and yours need it, even though you don’t think about it.

None of it is possible without your generous support. Your donations inspire us to reach further and higher every day. Please take a moment to donate to our spring fundraising campaign, knowing that the lives you will impact include those you love and yours.

Be well.

Dr. Monika Volesky
COF Director & Orthopaedic Surgeon

CLICK HERE to make a donation.