
Orthopaedic Residents Scholarship Opportunities

Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation

Invitation to Orthopaedic Residents! The Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for two resident scholarships – the COA Basic Science Course Scholarship and the Bones and Phones Legacy Scholarship:

COA Basic Science Course Scholarship
In partnership with Dr. Thomas V. Smallman and the COA Basic Science Course, the Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation established the COA Basic Science Course Scholarship to create an incentive for orthopaedic residents to benefit from the process of analyzing, and preparing for presentation, the relevant aspects of a clinical case that involves either difficult diagnosis or treatment or is a classic example of a specific disorder in the categories of disease, including the skeletal dysplasias. Cases that demonstrate the role of osteogenic markers, cytokines, growth, or genetic factors in the pathophysiology of the condition are of particular interest.

Five thousand dollars will be awarded to an Orthopaedic Residency Training Program that meets the criteria as outlined in the guidelines and application documentation.
The deadline for submitting applications is December 1, 2024. Click here for additional information.

Bones and Phones Legacy Scholarship
Founded by Dr. Veronica Wadey and Mr. Henry Chow, this $1,000 Scholarship was established to recognize orthopaedic residents who have demonstrated commitment and contribution to enhancing musculoskeletal health in their community, or abroad, beyond that which would be expected during their residency training period. Commitment and contributions may be in the form of volunteerism, education or special events, and must be in addition to what is typically expected during training.

If you are an orthopaedic resident in the year prior to your final year of residency at a Canadian University, we invite you to submit your application. We also ask your assistance in ensuring other orthopaedic residents at your institution are made aware of this funding opportunity. The deadline for submitting applications is March 31, 2025. Click here for application forms and guidelines.