Vision, Mission, Values

The Vision and Mission of the Canadian Orthopaedic Foundation serve as our focus for how we will operate our organization. We will meet the challenges of our Mission with the high levels of integrity and respect that our staff, volunteers, supporters and public deserve and expect from a Canadian health-centred charity.

Our Vision:

Pain-free mobility for all Canadians.

Our Mission:

To achieve excellence in bone & joint health and mobility by advancing musculoskeletal research, education and care.

Our Values:

People: We work in the interest of orthopaedic patients, their families, and the professionals who treat them and for the future of any Canadian who may require orthopaedic care.

Making a Healthy Difference: We contribute to the health of our communities and our nation by working with volunteers, patients, professionals, government and industry toward timely and quality access to bone and joint care.

Good Governance: We are committed to excellence in the governance of our organization and will do so ethically, morally, according to the law, and toward the achievement of our Mission.